Recently I
watched the documentary about the WikiLeaks story "We steal secrets"
and one point that became clear to me was the consequence of the loss of
direction in their process of making information public. The lack of Principles
allowed the Ego to play the game and the whole world loss some potential
realisations about equality, about the need for critical education, about the
interconnectedness of world events, the terror of wars and about the demand for people to become
responsible for the decisions that are taken in their name. Unfortunately, the
whole message got distorted and, instead of common sense and motivation to
change laws/systems in light of the facts, it instigated even more fear and
separation between the top leaders and the people. Stealing secrets to give to
the people will not work because the people are not educated to understand the
secrets, to understand the consequences of those secrets and are not educated
to change that which is abusive. So unless there was a clear direction of the individuals
and the group with a political statement of what to do with such information,
the whole story would shut down when the spotlights ended. And that's pretty
much what happened.
the loss of direction, there is a really supportive quote from Bernard Poolman,
where he says:
Direction establishes the steadfastness of Self as The Here (Life).
But as direction is overwhelmed and get lost within the zombified
the physical will break up (death) and Self becomes to nothing.
Stand with the Direction of The Here where the Self Stand Alone
Because those that have already walked are without direction
And Everyone comes to Earth as the Answer (when you are born you are
given Life) but Who will live the Answer Here?
Looking at
the 26 years of my existence, I can see some phases and moments in my life
where I lost my direction and deviated from my decisions and commitments and
had no Principles within me. The consequences became the pattern of
self-distrust, the fear of disappointing others, the separation within me and
the need to fit an image of success in the system. My direction became
separated from me because I allowed my thoughts to control me and I never stood
for the Life Principles of Self-honesty, Oneness, Equality and Common Sense.
So the first
step is to embrace this realisation which will certainly start kicking our
asses to become real and aware of what is going on Here. Self-forgiveness comes
in to not allow the overwhelmingness of the mind to discourage us to continue
walking and to NEVER accept the deal of "it is too late" or "who
am I to change this". As the creators, we will forgive ourselves for what
we have allowed and accepted to create, participate and feed in this world.
Even those points that we apparently think have nothing to do with us, in the
end we will see that we are interconnected and that ALL my thoughts must
change. The point Here is to realise that one will not change the world, but
that changing oneself will change one's world and consequently will change
every step that one takes on earth and every decision that contributes to how
the world operates.
The second
step is the commitment to recreate our creation in a different way. We see the
problem = we know the solution. This is where the self-corrective statements
are beneficial because, in each sentence, we are establishing an agreement of
change within us and we truly take on the responsibility to change ourselves
in our thoughts, words and actions, to start honoring/Being Life.
the ultimate Self-Direction is manifested in Living each and every single point
in self-correction. There are no excuses to continue the mess in our minds, the
chaos in the world, the self-dishonesty, the inequality and the abuse- We Know
IT. As Bernard Poolman said: "The consequence of
abuse is upon you in a single breath, yet it took many breaths of abuse in its
creation. The correction of the consequence will take many more breaths than
what it took in its creation. Many give up before they begin." So I ask Myself:
Are we waiting for someone or something else to direct us? Are we that slaves?
Or are we going to take on our inherited responsibility to take care of this
Earth as ourselves, all Equally Here, walking in the Same Direction towards
what is Best For All Life?
not judge yourself for mistakes. You cannot make mistakes because if you
walk...It’s not a mistake: it’s you correcting yourself. Get feedback and then
change." Bernard Poolman
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Illustration: SELF DISCOVERY - Available at andrewgableart.com
Thank you Joana!