Why do we feel great when wearing new clothes?
Why is there excitement when buying something new (even in second hand)?
Do my eyes need something new? But isn't fashion cyclical?...
New fashion in a pre-historical mind. What does this mean? Where is our focus going to... The mind is spinning around along with our likes and dislikes, ideas, beliefs, perceptions, images... and money feeds the pattern.
I see people on the street. I am part of the crowd and I find myself playing around with thoughts and comparisons towards what I see.
I see the so called London fashion style all around. The powerful marketing of the shops.
What about that which we DON'T SEE? The invisible thoughts. The secret mind. The constant back chats. The fears. The anxieties. Self-judgements. Judgements towards others. Just because we don't see it, it does not mean is not there. Quite the opposite: it has the biggest impact in everything around us. It has the origin of all the caos that surround, call it greed, competition, anger, envy, hate... And this is pre-historical, isn't it?
Why do men still think of women as the prey? Wearing the most expensive tie does not change anything really: it is only the belief and the perception that one may have about 'someone with a tie'.
Will an iPad remove one's inner fears? Buying another gadget will keep my I'eyes entertained for a while...so that I forget the secret mind and keep the illusion.
Will the high heels empower women? Superiority is a perception of separation. Why does one need to look like 'something'? Such a self-limitation. How come we still allow such slavery? For as long as each one participates in this mind possession, the human deception will be 'seen' to be acceptable.
To simply exist is not enough for a human being so we keep us entertained with conflict towards one another, between brands and companies, in sports and in politics: right-left polarity of the brain was copied and pasted to the Parliament room...
We are building layers around ourselves, make up, filling our lives with entertainment and avoiding looking at what we don't see - looking inside. Stop and realise oneself. Stopping the mind gives space for Life...
For how long are we going to ignore who we really are...
For how long have we been entertaining ourselves? - since ever.
If we had already realise who we really are, as human and as beings, then this world would be already a place of human-kindness.
Breathe with me. It is the same oxygen! We are made of the same matter. This is what really matters.
June 23, 2011
Day 34: New fashion in prehistoric minds
Posted under common-sense, desteniiprocess, fashion, Image, London, superficiality with
1 comment
cool Joana, thanks!