However, when people is around me it happens to imagine someone looking at me or reading what I am writing - feeling disturbed by that is the greatest distraction from the real point behind it.
Why do I feel disturbed? What do I believe I need to hide? What does that person represent to me? Its my own self-judgement that is being projected, just like talking to a mirror where I am replying to myself but blaming the 'other' for the thoughts I am creating.
By being focused in the image I have in my mind about that person looking at me, I am separated from myself, I am not breathing in self-awareness, I am totally of the mind, I am not tHere (I am not alive as life, but as a robot).
By becoming an outsider to myself, I am losing myself. I am feeding the mind and not aware of the body. I am hearing the words but I am not BEING the words I speak.
By wanting to present myself to others, I am missing myself in the present. By standing here stable as life, I am one and equal to my creation in full awareness of the oneness of all of us.
I realized now that the point of wondering/believing someone is looking at what I do is a point of self-distrust and the projection of my own fears and self-punishments - nothing to do with the 'other'.
This is the process of STOPPING self-limitation. The process of finally realizing that we are All-one.
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