The same complaints all the time... Look at an History book: what a book the humanity has been writing, without even learning how to write first! Who taught us how we should direct ourselves, how should Life on this planet be supported, how things really work within our mind, how human are self-limiting themselves by fool believes, etc. etc. It is time to learn with ourselves and stop desiring a help from the ouside: we have now to speak in our common expression: which is LIFE!
Stop distractions,
Stop holding the breath!
Sometimes I find myself going into this point again: the illusion of emotions and finding motivations outside myself to move myself.
This is a mental illness. Every feeling of shame, of regret, of jealousy, of superiority and inferiority are all mental illnesses.
At least now I am able to stop by myself. The sooner I wake up the better. It is just unacceptable to ignore! i mean, when I heard that the poverty that has been existing since always, the people suffering, the disrespect for human life, the human trafficking, the corruption, the modern slavery, the abuse of animals and pants will all continue if the economic system doesn't change', well I must say that this was quite a disappointment for me - or should I say, it was the end of the illusion that I was holding on just because I didn't knew any solution for it. So far, my involvement in charities, political party and students group didn't bring me any global solution that would guarantee the end of such atrocities. Even working on the MIllennium Development Goals became such an issue because the more I was digging, the more sand was going back to the hole, by finding that many of the effort was part of such a big system that keeps things as they are... even before I was born! The hope was given to the 80's, times that were considered to generate a truly global development. I joined the boat in 1987 and 22 years later I was still making a research about the North-South inequalities and interdependence. This time, the 'old' social, political and economic constraints have new threats of a growing population, compromising the development in a global scale. New times, but the same patterns. The same complicated speeches and the same empty words without a committed action.
The majority of the world problems have roots in the economic system. Can you see it? Can you feelt it?
After all of this, it would be quite naif to ignore a solution that will most likely end with all the abusive chapters of our History. But it is not a word solution: it is all about taking action in any ways while enjoying the benefits of an Equal Money System and each single human being, whether in Portugal or in Tawain will receive a Life income, which will guarantee an equal amount of money for the basic human needs. Why equal? We all need food, shelter, education, health and we are all here equally - by this, no jealousy is allowed and no one will have to be worried about the other's survival - because all will have! (Like at the primary school!)
Interesting: this change in the way money has been used is what has been missing for the achievement of the 8 MDG's, the UN Declaration for Human Rights and all the constitutions! A dignified Life for all, without the bi-polarity of the mind and of the world inequalities (which we have created).
... Lets get back to the basis: the soil produces food everyday so there is no point to create our own cycle of poverty, which is lack of money and resources dominated by human. I can guarantee you that no one would be happy to see how the current system really works, controls, manipulates and complicates human life! By this, the question comes up: if this is what we know so far, imagine how things will be when we wake up from the sleep we don't even remember to fall into!
Stop the thinking = the action will be new
Equal Money System = Life will be manifested in all of us!
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