V - I - Are - US
veras - will see
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"virus and bacterias"
veras back to eras
will see back to eras
"will see who you became"
"will see who you really are"
Understand that we ARE the viruses/bacteria, we ARE the mind consciousness system -we actually created all this -whether deliberately or through our acceptance & allowances. the viruses /bacteria as an effect, us as the cause -whereby cause and effect always exist as ONE.
thus it´s not about shattering -rather, within unconditional self-forgiveness it is to stand equal and one as everything we already created and amalgamate everything HERE as SELF.
from HERE, it is to take self-responsibility to stop the unacceptable (meaning stop ourselves from living the unacceptable) and to self-honestly direct self as Life in an acceptable way which will be livable and beneficial for all Life, considering all Life in all ways.
Transcribed from the Desteni Forum
All that exists in this world is a manifestation of what we have allowed ourselves to become -- death, fear and survival. However, in the essence we are all LIFE. We have allowed ourselves to distract from LIFE we all are, being inFLUenced by mind perceptions (fears, feelings, pictures, etc etc -- the virus of our mind system just like a computer).
We are the world, we exist here, we are the earth, we are Life, everything is Life. This world has never been lived because we have never allowed ourselves too stand and act as Life.
Thus we have never been Self-Honest!
The time is Now. Real-I-zing that I am Life just everything that exists - any single atom in any single element, being, animal. We are here to support each other, not to separate from each other.
We cannot allow ourselves to be inFLUenced by thoughts that are against Life thus against ourselves.
Knowing thyself is the big issue in the existence and the WE/I am the solution by realizing me as Life, in oneness and equality with every single being.
AmalgAMA-TE with all the existence as Life as I.
An example: when you eat something, that becomes your body ---> both are Life here -- this shows that we are all equal and one.
Stop the fear, stop the self-distrust, stop survival.
-- by realizing the virus that I have become to myself, I allow myself to forgive me, embrace myself and transcend my perceived mind limitations.
Now the step is to be/live the words.
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